McIntyre House

President's Council Minutes: Curfews and Late Hours

October 11, 1961

During the Presidents' Council (Women's Interdormitory Council) meeting of October 11, 1961 specifics of women’s curfews and the possibilities of taking “late” hours was discussed and debated. Drayer and Biddle Halls put forth dorm specific suggestions:

"Correction to October 4 minutes: When a girl has signed up for two late hours and arrives back at the dorm 19 minutes or less after the first late hour is up, she may take the extra minutes as late minutes rather than take the second late hour.

Another Dorm for Women

September 21, 1961

An article in The Dickinsonian reported that the college planned to build another new dormitory for women over the next two years, beginning in February.  The financial vice-president, Dr. Shuman, explained that the building was made possible by a $675,000 government loan.