McAnney, Lucretia Jones

A Loss to Dickinson

January 21, 1914

The January 21, 1914 Dickinsonian marks with sadness the resignation of Lucretia McAnney, who held various positions at the college. For the past eight years, McAnney had been in charge of the Department of Oratory. Before her, "there was no Department of Oratory" but she had "gradually built up her department until at the present time there is too much work...[for] one person." Even the former President, Dr. George Edward Reed, remarked fondly that McAnney was "the only woman I have ever met whom I would be willing to place over men as an instructor in forensic work."

The Y. W. C. A. Entertains


The 1911 Microcosm includes a piece on the success of the Y. W. C. A.'s night of entertainment for the college. The show included two dramatic acts, one entitled, "The Costs of Independence or an Old Maid's Regrets" and the other called, "Beautiful Belinda or Why Girls Leave Home." One of the more successful parts of the night though was not on stage, according to the men, but more so in their bellies. Candy that the girls had made was sold between acts and the men bought it because "it was made by her own little hands."

Lucretia McAnney, Dean of Women and Instructor in Oratory since 1906


The 1910 Microcosm writes up a short paragraph about Mrs. Lucretia Jones McAnney, the Dean of Women and Instructor in Oratory since 1906. Since 1882, Mrs. McAnney has been teaching and studying at schools until she became the Dean of Students in 1906. She would stay the Dean of Women until 1914.

"The Freshman-Sophomore Co-ed Rush"


"The Freshman-Sophomore Co-ed Rush" is a humorous piece in the 1909 Microcosm that pokes fun at the tensions between the Freshman and Sophomore classes. The fight between the two classes broke out because of a Freshman singing and playing a song about their class pride. This causes an outrage amongst the Sophomores and a fight between all the women then ensues. Freshman and Sophomore women are ripping out hairpins and combs, carrying others away and pinning them against the wall. After some time, the Dean of Women, Mrs.

"To Mrs. McAnney," Who Keeps Watch Over the Co-eds...


"To Mrs. McAnney" is a poem published in the 1907 Microcosm about the woman who watches over the females in their housing. According to the poet, these co-eds are "seldom happy, unless they're with a boy." In order to see these co-eds though, the men have to keep Mrs. McAnney happy when they are at the "Hen Roost" for she will always "treat them square."