
1932 Portrait of Dickinson Female Archers


Photograph taken in 1932 of female archers within the Dickinson College's Physical Education Department. It can be found in the Josephine Meredith Scrapbooks as well as in the 1932 Microcosm, page 234. In the back row, left to right, are Eleanor F. Peters '34, Mary E. Bell '36, Jeanne C. Whittaker '33, Dorothy Hillig '33, (and in front, left to right) Elizabeth M. Pyles '34, Helen M. Epler '34, and Mary L. Loy '31.

Women's Archery

circa 1935

Photograph circa 1935 of women's archery practice.

Microcosm Women's Athletics


Girls sports were conducted on the intramural plan under the guidance and supervision of the Director of Physical Education for Women at Dickinson College, Miss E Winifred Chapman. Hockey, indoor and outdoor archery, swimming, tennis, basketball, riding and volleyball. Volleyball was newly inroduced as a sport. A playing field was devoted to the girls' use for hockey and archery.  Every woman was required to complete two hours a week from any of the sports. The facilities had greatly improved in the last few years. The Athletic Council, along with Miss Chapman, supervise all sports.