To celebrate the one hundredth year anniversary of women at Dickinson College, the Womens Center planned a series of events to create a welcoming environment in order to promote social interaction between students and faculty outside the classroom setting.Located at 222 Church St., under the coordination of Tina Groover,Office of Admissions, Nina Shover,Office of Student Services, Rena Convissor, Student Planning Board, and under the guidance of the Board of Directors, Professors Ellen Rosenman and Sharon O'Brien,the Womens Center strives to flourish across the Dickinson community so as to one day become a setting in which students can come to discuss social issues that impact their daily lives. As explained by author Elizabeth Young, the Womens center hosts programs twice a month in which topics such as Women and Religion, the workforce, sports, studying abroad, and culture among others are discussed. It was specially stressed that the Women's center is not a radical feminist organization, on the contrary it provides a haven for all to come and discuss, study and socialize about matters that are relevant to their lives.