"We too believe an all-College Senate is desirable..."

October 27, 1934

In a response to the editorial in the October 18th issue of the Dickinsonian, which advocated an all-College Senate, the Women's Senate writes and "gives their endorsement to this proposal." Similar to the editor's concerns, the Women's Senate argues that since the Men's Senate "legislates on subjects which are of importance to the entire student body" and membership to the Men's Senate is limited only to men, the practices of said Senate seem unfair because only three fourths of the student body are represented. The Woman's Senate fairly states, "there is no reason why the women of the College should not have some representation in the group which controls so many issues which affect them...[for they] constitute one fourth of the student body [and] are vitally interested in the affairs of the College."

Location of Document in Archives
Dickinsonian October 27, 1934 vol. LXIII, no. 5