The Commission on the Status of Women Faculty Survey

September 27, 1972

Data from a survey done from 1962 to 1972 about Dickinson College faculty revealed information about female faculty in the "Recommendations and Report on the Status of Women in the Academic Profession at Dickinson College" document. They discovered some interesting results, both positive and negative. Some negative aspects found from the survey were that women were underrepresented on the faculty, in the upper professional ranks and on the standing committees of the faculty. The average salary for female faculty was generally "below the corresponding average salary for male faculty members." Positively, male and female faculty both taught upper and lower level courses, qualifications for appointment and promotion were relatively the same for both, and the average length of employment was no different for either the male or female faculty. The Commission on the Status of Women used this survey information to improve upon their faculty on campus.

Location of Document in Archives
RG 4/6 Comission on the Status of Women 1.1.1