Peltz, Jocelyn

The Peak of Perfection of Feminine Pulchritude


The 1956 Microcosm presented the "Queens of Campus." The fourteen national Greek letter fraternities on campus nominated ten female students to parade in front of three judges. From these, the judges chose one "Miss Microcosm" and six runners up.

The 1955 "Miss Microcosm"


The 1955 Microcosm gave the task of selecting the year's "Miss Microcosm" to Jack Webb, a "well-known personality in the theatrical world." Of the eight portraits of Dickinson College coeds sent to him, he chose Joanne Neilson as "Miss Microcosm." Runners-up included: Susan Marquardt, Patricia Eshelman, Jeanne Carlson, Jocelyn Peltz, Carolyn Fitzcharles, Jane Lewis, and Mary Ann Walter.