Smith, Clara Bell

Debate on Co-education


The 1909 Microcosm published a humorous piece, the "Debate on Co-Education: Spirited Riot in Harman Literary Meeting." This piece is about a debate amongst the ladies of the Harman Literary Society on whether co-education is better for women or if it is better for women to study at an all-girl's institution.

Extracts from the Constitution of the Young Women's Christian Association

September 1909

The 1909-10 student handbook, produced by the Christian
Associations contains parts of the constitution from the Young Women's
Christian Association (YWCA). Included in the handbook is the YWCA's
mission as well as information on membership, officers, and committees.
Officers included are, President Anna M. Bacon, Vice-president Magdalene Leinbach,
Secretary Clara Bell Smith, and Treasurer Blanche Dum. A brief
synopsis of  the Pan-hellenic league, formed by sororities Pi Beta Phi
and Omega Chi, are mentioned in this years handbook. The Pan-Hellenic