Peters, Eleanor

1932 Portrait of Dickinson Female Archers


Photograph taken in 1932 of female archers within the Dickinson College's Physical Education Department. It can be found in the Josephine Meredith Scrapbooks as well as in the 1932 Microcosm, page 234. In the back row, left to right, are Eleanor F. Peters '34, Mary E. Bell '36, Jeanne C. Whittaker '33, Dorothy Hillig '33, (and in front, left to right) Elizabeth M. Pyles '34, Helen M. Epler '34, and Mary L. Loy '31.

Harman Society Studies Notable Women in Literary Fields


Dickinson's all female Harman Literary Society actively studied prominent figures in the literary world during the 1933 academic year.  A great deal of their focus during the second semester was "devoted to famous women who had won world-wide recognition in literary and other fields."  The large number of female members in the group is significant in and of itself and mirrors the significance of their focus on and appreciation for the female presence in literature.