Chambers, Mary Elizabeth

Y.W.C.A. Enacts the "Little Sister Plan"

September 1922

In two notes written to Miss Margaret Eslinger from the President and Vice President of the Young Womens' Christian Association, Betty (Elizabeth) Bucke '23 and Betty (Mary Elizabeth) Chambers '24, they request Eslinger's help by being a "big sister" to a freshman named Mary Clemens and to "Be the Best Big Sister you Can Be." Miss Bucke states that "We want to work not for our Little Sister, but with her."

Y.W.C.A. Convention


Photograph of the 1923 Young Women's Christian Association on the Metzger Hall Porch. Featured in the photograph: Elizabeth DeMaris (Class of 1923), Louetta Green (Class of 1922), Erma Porteus (Class of 1926), Isabel Ward (Class of 1926), & Mary Elizabeth Chambers (Class of 1924).