
The Dickinsonian Spotlights Spectrum

May 6, 2005

The May 6, 2005 Dickinsonian features a article on the newly renamed 'Spectrum' LGBT club at Dickinson and its activities and involvement on campus.

Dickinson Professors at Forum on Women in Beijing

September 21, 1995

In the September 21, 1995 Dickinsonian, Chris Zubowicz reported on the Non-Governmental Organizations Forum on Women held at the Olympic Stadium in Beijing and the experiences of the two Dickinson Professors, Amy Farrell and Susan Rose, who attended.

The Sentinel on "The Clothesline Project"

February 9, 1993

The Carlisle Sentinel reports in its February 9, 1993
edition on the upcoming exhibit entitled "The Clothesline Project" which
appeared at Dickinson and displayed T-shirts made by women who were
victims of abuse or violence in the central Pennsylvania area.

The Clothesline Project at Dickinson

Spring 1994

Anima: The Journal of Human Experience (Spring 1994, vol. 20 #2)
presents an article on the Clothesline Project exhibit at Dickinson,
organized by the Women's Center as part of Dickinson's 1993 Public
Affairs Symposium on Violence in American Society.  The exhbit contained
over 90 shirts contributed by women who were victims of violence.  The
article includes pictures of some of the T-shirts along with
explanations by their designers.

Rebecca Walker and the 'Third Wave of Feminism'

March 10, 1994

In this article from March 10, 1994, Erica Stoutenburgh reports for The Dickinsonian on a talk given by Rebecca Walker on ten guidelines for 'the Third Wave of Feminism.'

1993 Rape Awareness Week

November 11, 1993

On November 11, 1993, Matt Kinsman reported for The Dickinsonian
on the events of Rape Awareness Week, including educational forums
hosted by the Women's Center and a "Take Back the Night" rally and