Activities of the Harman Literary Society

October 10, 1919

The activities of Harman Literary Society are in full swing.  Interesting plans for the year have been worked out by the Program Committee with the help of the President of the Society and Mrs. Meredith, Dean of Women.

The last program rendered is a sample of the well rounded literary program that is to be projected through the year.  Under art, Miss Helen Wehrle very cleverly protrayed with her crayon famous scenes and personages on and about the campus.  On the literary side, Miss Mary Bagenstose gave a fine resume of Ibanez and his literary workds.  Musically, Mademoiselle Mainssonat, accompanied by Miss Edith Herb, vocalist, rendered excellent violin music. The program ended up with a taste of humor, supplied by several dialectic readings by Miss Annie Brobst.

In the future, the programs to take place, will appear in The Dickinsonian issue.

Twenty-seven new members have already been enrolled, and a banner year is assured.

Location of Document in Archives
The Dickinsonian, October 10, 1919, page 8