
Extracts from the Constitution of the Young Women's Christian Association

September 1904

The 1904-05 student handbook, produced by the Young Men's Christian
Association contains parts of the constitution from the Young Women's
Christian Association (YWCA). Included in the handbook is the YWCA's
mission as well as information on membership, officers, and committees.
Officers included are President Edna Albert, Vice-president Elsie Shelton,
Secretary Mary Ranck, and Treasurer Corrine Gaul.

Extracts from the Constitution of the Young Women's Christian Association

September 1903

The 1903-04 student handbook, produced by the Young Men's Christian Association contains parts of the constitution from the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA). Included in the handbook is the YWCA's mission as well as information on membership, officers, and committees. Officers included, President Edna Albert, Vice-president Anna Emrick, Secretary Mary Hoover, and Treasurer Anna Spears.

Bible Study for Ladies

September 1902

Bible Study for women was a weekly event held in the female resident
hall. Pages 22-23 of this 1902 student handbook, published by the Young
Men's Christian Assocation, states the mission of Bible study and
details information on location, time, and membership of religious
services. According to the student handbook, Bible study was "an
important factor in leading the young women of the college to a better
and higher life." Separate Bible study meetings were held for women and