Sweet, Lucille
The Pin-up Girl
The features of the 1944 Microcosm presents Dickinson's "Pin-up Girls": students selected the ten "most attractive" females from Dickinson and sent their photographs to a judge in order to determine the top five. For 1944, the top five women selected were: Edith Ann Lingle, Barbara Mulford, Wilma Barkalow, Lucille Sweet, and Ann Gates.
Women Take Over Dickinsonian in 1944
In the 1944 Microcosm, the Dickinsonian is staffed mostly by female students with Kathleen Briner as the editor-in-chief. The 1943 Microcosm reveals that the Dickinsonian had mostly male students on its staff as well as a male editor-in-chief. In 1944, the description for the Dickinsonian cites the difficulties the staff faced due to wartime shortages and their efforts to send copies of the newspaper to Dickinson's servicemen.