Carpenter, Carolyn

Pi Beta Phi in 1957


In 1957 the women of Pi Beta Phi continued their traditional social and service events. Christmas caroling and bridge tournaments were also popular sisterhood events. While in past years officers held their title for the full school year, in 1957, Pi Beta Phi had separate groups of officers for the spring and fall semester. In the fall, the leaders were Wendy Buckler, President; Lee Steinwald, Vice President; Virginia Burgess, Treasurer; and Nancy Carpenter, Secretary.

Female Editor in Chief of Dickinsonian in 1958


In 1958, The Dickinsonian was led by a female editor-in-chief, Doris Weigel. According to the Microcosm, the editor-in-chief and her staff deserves "credit for this faithful picture of Dickinson's daily life." While the managing editor was a male student, the feature editor, news editor, copy editor, and business manager were all female.