Chi Omega

Chi Omega in 1951


In 1951, the Delta Chapter of Chi Omega maintained a busy agenda of service, scholastic, and social activities.  They continued to work in the Carlisle Community Center, and in addition they sponsored a veteran hospital bed and contributed to the creation of CARE packages.  They held roundtable discussions on vocations and held their annual Pledge Dance and Spring Formal.  Additionally, the Delta chapter was represented nationally, as Delta alumnae Mary Love Collins and Elizabeth Dyer served as National President and National Vice-President of Chi Omega, respectively.  The officers of the D

Constitution and By-Laws of Local Panhellenic


Panhellenic in 1923-1924 consisted of Pi Beta Phi, Chi Omega, Phi Mu, and a local sorority, Zeta Eta Phi. The Consitution regulates the struction of Panhel and also the rules for rushing. During the first week of school, all women participate in a "Little Sister" plan sponsored by the Y.W.C.A. All women in sororities must not reveal their membership during this week.  After this week and prior to rushing, no new girls and present sorority members may associate socially or discuss Greek life. Bids were sent out the first Thursday after Thanksgiving.

Chi Omega in 1950


Chi Omega, the second national women's fraternity installed at Dickinson, gave its members opportunities to participate in a variety of social and service activities in 1950.  Like other organizations on campus, the women of Chi Omega supported the war effort by sponsoring a French orphan named Marie Claire Geoffrey.  In addition, they volunteered their services at the Carlisle Community Center.  Social events such as the Pledge Dance and Spring Formal were highlights of the year.  The following members served as officers: Victoria K. Hann, president; Marilyn A.

"Personals" - What Now? [Part 1]

May 1923
  • Elizabeth R. Bender, class of 1888, did missionary work in Japan for several years before she had to return due to health problems. She went on to take charge of the New York District of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society, whose offices were located at 150 Fifth Avenue NY.
  • Anna M. Geiger Heckman, class of 1897, became the wife of the District Superintent of Harrisburg District, Central Pennsylvania M. E. Conference.
  • Mrs. Mary Love Collins, class of 1902, was the National President of Chi Omega Sorority.