Sexuality Resource Group

Third Annual Rape Awareness Week

October 22, 1992

In the October 22, 1992 edition of The Dickinsonian, Vikram
Dhawer reports on the coming events of the third annual Rape Awareness
Week as well as rape statistics for the world and Dickinson College.

Week of Anti-Rape Programs

October 29, 1991

The October 29, 1991 issue of the Carlisle Sentinel announced the events at Dickinson for Rape Awareness week, sponsored by the Women's Center and the Sexuality Resource Group, which included a play by the Awareness Act touring group and a "Take Back the Night" rally and march.

The Dickinsonian Reports on Condom Distribution at Dickinson

October 1, 1987

Liz Lukacs and L. J. Simmons reported in the October 1, 1987 edition of the Dickinsonian on the decision of the Health Center to distribute condoms, free of charge, describing how the Health Center, Sexuality Resource Group and Women's Center were all involved.

Sexuality Resource Group (SRG)


According to their constitution the purpose of this group was to promote a healthy attitude toward sexuality, to promote responsible sexual behavior as well as to provide accurate information about human sexuality to the general campus community, among other purposes. The group sought to have at least three advisors who would be chosen from Dickinson faculty and administrators, and two officers who would serve the roles of Coordinator and Secretary/Treasurer.