Wise, Julie

1993 Rape Awareness Week

November 11, 1993

On November 11, 1993, Matt Kinsman reported for The Dickinsonian
on the events of Rape Awareness Week, including educational forums
hosted by the Women's Center and a "Take Back the Night" rally and


Third Annual Rape Awareness Week

October 22, 1992

In the October 22, 1992 edition of The Dickinsonian, Vikram
Dhawer reports on the coming events of the third annual Rape Awareness
Week as well as rape statistics for the world and Dickinson College.

Julie Wise '94 on Ineffective Communication and Rape

October 29, 1992

In a letter to the Editor in the October 29, 1992 edition of The Dickinsonian, Julie Wise of the Women's Center  addresses the need for better communication and clearer consent in sexual relationships to avoid rape.