Health services

The Dickinsonian Reports on Condom Distribution at Dickinson

October 1, 1987

Liz Lukacs and L. J. Simmons reported in the October 1, 1987 edition of the Dickinsonian on the decision of the Health Center to distribute condoms, free of charge, describing how the Health Center, Sexuality Resource Group and Women's Center were all involved.

Tari Getz Writes about the Women's Center

June, 1988

This article by Tari Getz '91 in the June 1988 edition of Dickinson Today presents the history, purpose and spirit
of the Women's Center, describing it as a place of comfort for all.

Voices of Today's Woman Seminar Held in 1972

October 5-8, 1972

In 1972 on October 5, 6 and 8, Dickinson held a seminar on women in
coordination with the Bicentennial Homecoming the same weekend.  The
seminar was "designed to examine the political, educational, legal, and
social conditions in our society which sometimes tend to reduce women's
participation as full partners with men in many aspects of life."  It was the first seminar on women ever held at Dickinson
and included a play by the Mermaid Players, speeches, workshops and
exhibits.  C. Delores Tucker, Secretary of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, was the major speaker. 

Editorial: "A few small steps do not constitute a revolution"

September 26, 1991

This article by Features Editor Ken Ross comments that “Although
the campus itself continues to improve with age, now is the time for ‘real’
social change at the College.” Ross brings up such issues as the lack of availability
of condoms on campus (except when the Health Center is open), the scarcity of ‘alternative’
(alcohol-free) activities on campus and the situation of women on campus. He

The Office of Student Services Initiated a Trial Program of Gynecological Referral

March 11, 1976

In the middle of the spring 1976 semester, the Office of Student Services initiated a trial program of gynecological referal. The funding for the problem was limited so no services were provided by the school. The goal of this program was rather to find out what services women at Dickinson needed. They hoped to provide such car at the college in the future.

Metzger Women are not Using the Infirmary

October 21, 1924

In a letter to Dean Meredith, President Morgan advised the Dean of Women to make sure that women who are ill are using the infirmary. It had recently come to his attention they were not and were putting others at risk.

Health Services for Women


According to the 1942 student handbook, all incoming female students were "given a physical examination by physicians designated by the college." Female students seeking all other physican services were required to arrange appointments through the Dean of Women's office first.

Women's Group Lobbies for Gynecologist

April 18, 1972

The Women's Group drafted a proposal for the hiring of a gynecologist "to serve in the Health Center at least once a week." They sent it to President Howard L. Rubendall for action by the college administration. The Women's Group ascertained from the 39 percent response they received from their questionnaires that 40 percent of the women surveyed currently used birth control and 28 percent had used the Family Planning Clinics in Carlisle or Harrisburg.