
Mary Evans Rosa Sends President Morgan Literature from the Association of Collegiate Alumnae

January 20, 1920

In a letter dated January 20, 1920, Mary Evans Rosa, an early female graduate of Dickinson College, sent literature regarding the Association of Collegiate Alumnae to President Morgan. The organization was for college women who graduated from coed and single sex institutions. Evans Rosa encouraged President Morgan to advocate for Dickinson College's membership into the organization.

The Association of Collegiate Alumnae Explains it Position on Female Faculty at Women's and Coeducational Institutions

April 18, 1920

In response to President Morgan's letter of April 4, 1920, F. Louise Nardin of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae appologized for any misunderstanding the President Morgan may have had. She argues that she was in no way insinuating that Dickinson College discriminated against female faculty. It was simply a misunderstanding. She then went on to explain why it is so important for coed and women's institutions to have female faculty. Nardin wrote "It is not that we are determined to create a market for the services of women who have their higher degrees.

President Morgan is Offended by Accusations that Dickinson College Discrimantes Against Female Faculty, 1920

April 4, 1920

In a letter dated April 4, 1920, President Morgan responded to F. Louise Nardin's letter of April 1st. President Morgan wrote that he was confused and a bit offended because Nardin implied that once Dickinson stoped discriminating against female faculty, they could reapply to the association.  He wrote that once Dickinson could be "fairly considered" for admission he would provide her with the information needed.

The Association of Collegiate Alumnae Encourages Dickinson to Reapply After Hiring More Female Faculty

April 1, 1920

In response to President Morgan's letter of March 24, 1920 regarding discrimination against female faculty, F. Louise Nardin advised Dickinson College to reapply for admission to the Association of Collegeiate Alumnae once the College improves conditions for existing female faculty and hires more female faculty. She explained that "It seems to me that present attitudes of the College toward women in the faculty is such as to indicates that Dickinson College should become plainly eligible before much time has passed."

President Morgan Argues that He Does Not Discriminate Against Female Faculty

March 24, 1920

In a letter dates March 24, 1920, President Morgan wrote to F. Louise Nardin of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae in regard to Dickinson's application for admssion to the organization. In a previous letter, F. Louise Nardin explained that Dickinson would not be eligible for admission due the inequality that existed between female and male faculty. Morgan defends Dickinson's stance on female employees and expains that "Until recent years there were no women in our faculty.

Dickinson College was not Accepted into the Association of Collegiate Alumnae as Conditions for Women are not "Up to Par"

March 20, 1920

In a letter dated March 20, 1920, F. Louise Nardin of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae informs President Morgan that Dickinson request for admission into the organization would likley be declined. She explains that "I find several points on which yur institutions does not satisfy the requirements of our Association. There are no women with professorial rank in the faculty; there is only one woman as an instructor." Moreover, women at Dickinson did not receive and equal salary and are not given equal opportunities. 

The AAUW Offers Loans to Female Dickinsonians

September 12, 1926

In a letter to Dean Meredith, Mrs. J. Lynn Barnard informs the Dean of Women that the local chapter of the AAUW will be offering loans to female college students.

Appold Fears that New Notions of Feminism will Force Dickinson College to Allow Women onto the Alumni Council

October 18, 1926

In this letter dated October 18, 1926, Trustee L. T. Appold wrote to President Morgan to further discuss the admitance of female graduates to the Alumni Council. Appold explained that "I am always opposed to this feminism which puts a woman on because she is a woman." He argues that if there were an outstanding woman she would be on the board. Until there is one, Appold conteded that the matter should be left alone.

Trustee Appold Opposess Allowing Female Graduates on the Alumni Council

August 19, 1926

In a letter to president Morgan, Dickinson College Trustee Lemuel T. Appold expresses concern regarding the possibility of allowing women on the Alumni Council. Claiming that his opinon on the matter has noting to do with his negative stance on coeducation at Dickinson, Appold argued that this could have a negative affect on the organization. Moreover, few women were a part of the organization at this time.