Domestic violence
Dickinson presents "The Yellow Dress"
In observance of Victim's Rights Week, Dickinson presents "The Yellow
Dress", a play about relationship violence produced and directed by
Deana's Fund, as reported in The Carlisle Sentinel on April 9, 2000. The play was performed on April 11th in the Anita Tuvin Schlecther Auditorium.
Cumberland County recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Jennifer Vogelsong reports in the October 10, 1999 Carlisle Sentinel on Cumberland County's recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, including a cutting of a purple ribbon and the Silent Witness Project. The article also announces Dickinson's Clothesline Project, which was up on exhibit the same month.
The Clothesline Project at Dickinson
Anima: The Journal of Human Experience (Spring 1994, vol. 20 #2)
presents an article on the Clothesline Project exhibit at Dickinson,
organized by the Women's Center as part of Dickinson's 1993 Public
Affairs Symposium on Violence in American Society. The exhbit contained
over 90 shirts contributed by women who were victims of violence. The
article includes pictures of some of the T-shirts along with
explanations by their designers.
Article on "Take Back the Night" March and Rally
On Sunday, April 10, 1988, students participated in "Take Back the Night"
rally and march, sponsored by the Women's Center, to protest and raise
awareness of rape. Mike Dever reported on the event, describing the march route and some opposition the
marchers experienced in the Quad in the April 14, 1988 edition of the Dickinsonian.