Rules for Women during World War II

Fall 1990

Mary Snyder Hertzler describes social and dating life at Dickinson during World War II in an interview. Women could not wear slacks during that period. Mary VanAuken was the only exception as she took flying lessons. During the winter, women wore heavy socks to stay warm as they walked from Metzger Hall, located off-campus, to their classes. Men lived on campus. Hertzler, her beau, and two other couples were once caught by Dean Josephine Brunyate Meredith at Snyder's Drug Store in Mount Holly. Dean Meredith called the three couples into her office when they returned and asked that they sign out before leaving the campus in the future.

Nonetheless, there was still dating and socializing on campus. When couples returned to the dorms on the weekend nights, lights were turned out for three minutes so female students "could kiss your friend good night." Most dates occurred on campus at fraternity houses, although some couples went to the movies or the drug store (like the Chocolate Shop, Wertz Drug Store, or Phillipy's Drug Store). Hertzler does not remember any romantic places on campus, however. According to Hertzler, couples found privacy in cars.

Location of Document in Archives
World War II Oral History, Hertzler, Mary Synder