
Dean Meredith Found a Speaker to Discuss "Sex Hygiene" with Female Students at Dickinson College

January 22, 1920

In a lengthy letter to President Morgan, Dean Meredith discussed chaperons, the inadequacy of Metzger Hall Staff, the running of Metzger Hall, and her family's situation. Most interestingly, Meredith wrote about a woman she met in Harrisburg named Dr. Taylor. According to the letter, Dr. Taylor is willing to give "six to eight talks" to Female Dickinsonians on "the care of the health and sex hygiene." Dean Meredith explained that "Our girls here are very much in need of such instruction.

A Female Graduate of the Class of 1923 Described Herself as an Activist While Attending Dickinson College

March 1979

In her 1979 Women as Leaders Survey sent out by Dickinson College, a graduate of 1923 remembers her days at Dickinson. When asked about the issues of the day, the alum remembers, "our topic of debate was the Equal Rights Amendment."

She goes on to recall the anger at there being two senates: a women's and a school senate run by men. To protest the issue, a group of women attended the men's senate.

Dean Meredith and the Advantages of Shorter Hemlines

September 23, 1922

The September 23, 1922 Dickinsonian reported that Josephine Meredith, Dean of Women, was visiting family in Boston when a thief tried to snatch her purse from her while she was walking down the street.  According to one Boston newspaper account:

The Y.W.C.A., 1923


This photo is of the Y.W.C.A. sitting on the porch of Metzger Hall. The women in the image are not identified.

Women's Gymnastic Exhibition, 1926

April 12, 1926

In April 12, 1926, the women of Dickinson College held an "Exhibiton of Gymnastics" at the Y.W.C.A. Gym.

Another View of Metzger Hall


This postcard depicts an image of Metzger Hall, one of Dickinson College's early female dorms.

Metzger Hall Postcard


This postcard depicts an image of Metzger Hall, c1920. Metzger Hall housed female students until 1963.