Progress Report: Commission on the Status of Women at Dickinson College

May 4, 1973

This Progress Reports includes changes and plans to change College policy regarding female students. Most notably is the mention of the 1973 Spring semester and the success of the movements to "rescind the 'sex quota,' by action of the Board of Trustees, so that henceforth Dickinson College will strive for an approximate ratio of 1:1 in admissions of male and female students; and to omit singing at College functions the last verse of the Alma Mater, with its references to 'men' and 'sons.'"

For future endeavors, the Commission wants all employment advertisements to say "Dickinson College is an Equal Opportunity Employer." In addition to this, all departments should equally advertise in women's caucuses and actively recruit women in addition to men.  Also, the Commission desires a more suitable name for the Alumni Office and to change the name of the Alumni Magazine from Dickinson Alumnus to something more gender friendly like "Dickinson Magazine" or "Dickinson Today."

The Commission also continues to investigate not only hiring practices and salaries but admissions and financial aid decisions to verify equality. It plans on reviewing all College materials and programs to ensure equality for women. Again, the Commission Report addresses discrimination in female hiring practices.


"Of the ten (10) departments with positions to be filled: four (4) advertised as "an equal opportunity employer"; "six (6) contacted women's professional groups; seven (7) made conscientious efforts to recruit women. In subtle ways women candidates were discriminated against: 1) they were accused of being 'too aggressive' and 'not being aggressive enough' in presenting themselves for positions at Dickinson College; 2) there seemed to be an unspoken, but none the less real, tendency to maintain the status quo in departments where there are women faculty; 2) there seemed to be a relectuance to considering hiring wives and husbands in the same department."

Location of Document in Archives
RG 4/6 1.1.1. Progress Report