"Suggestions Considered Requisite by the Students of Dickinson College For the Improvement of the College," labelled the "Atrocity Sheet Circulated by Dickinson Students" in Marion Bell's 1941-1946 Scrapbook lists many student complaints including those against Dickinson's food, service, and need for a President, but most notable are those against the Women's Dean, Dean Josephine Meredith. Of the many charges against her, the Student Body accused her of being an "incompetent...personal advisor....women students receive no sympathy, of "repeatedbly [breaking] promises, using "lies as threats and inducements," of "[defaming] the character of the women students," of being tactless, telling women students that "they lack moral judgement." In addition to these, the Dickinson students complain that Dean Meredith listens to personal conversations and makes comments about them since the only phone is in her office, that the Dean records all conversations via an assistant, that the Dean overrules family permissons to return home, that no house mother in other dormitories can make even small decisions without consultation with the Dean, and that house rules have not gone back to those present before the war.
Of two pages of complaints and demands from the entire student body, at least half of this document deals with female concerns.