The Association of Collegiate Alumnae Explains it Position on Female Faculty at Women's and Coeducational Institutions

April 18, 1920

In response to President Morgan's letter of April 4, 1920, F. Louise Nardin of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae appologized for any misunderstanding the President Morgan may have had. She argues that she was in no way insinuating that Dickinson College discriminated against female faculty. It was simply a misunderstanding. She then went on to explain why it is so important for coed and women's institutions to have female faculty. Nardin wrote "It is not that we are determined to create a market for the services of women who have their higher degrees. It is because we feel that a good deal of natural and desirable incentive to development is lacking in an academic community where young women see no women in the faculty."

Location of Document in Archives
Morgan Papers - Nardin